Inexpensive and Easy To Make Teacher Gifts | Holiday Edition


It’s that time of year again where if you have school aged kiddos, it’s time to start thinking about those teacher’s gifts. Instead of adding more chaos to your already packed schedule, here are some inexpensive ideas you can either pick up when you are running errands or if you have a few moments, can make pretty easily.

They spend all year pouring their time and support into our kids so taking a few minutes to say thank you really means a lot to them and let’s them know they are appreciated. So here’s a few great ideas from around the net:

  1. Everyone loves lip balm this time of year.
  2. Cutsified Clorox containers – another good one for all the germs this time of year or you could use tissues.
  3. Cinnamon Ornaments – these make the house smell incredible and we love making them, they are so easy!
  4. Simple, yummy soaps!

Sometimes I tend to go a little more practical and pick up a cute bucket/container at the dollar spot at Target and fill with much needed class supplies: crayons, glue sticks, dry erase markers, colored pencils, etc. I know those won’t go without a huge thank you from your child’s teacher.